Thursday, May 14, 2015

Up in NYC

So it's been kind of a while hasn't it?
Well friends, here I am, I'm back. And I'm living in New York City.
Like most young writers who move to NYC, I came here on little more than a whim and a dream with next to nothing in my pockets and a heart full of hope. Just a plucky young girl looking for adventure.
And it has been a non-stop rollercoaster fever-dream ever since. In the past 18 months  I have been poor, I have couchsurfed, I've made and lost friends, I was cheated on, I fell in love, and I tried my first pickle-back (an ungodly New York shot in which a shot of Jameson is chased with a shot of pickle juice).  I have had two apartments, two boyfriends (not at the same time), and six different jobs. Six. I had an internship, which I swore I'd never do again. I was the highly inexperienced PR manager for a very small company. And then I worked at Sofitel just long enough to realize that hospitality management is definitely not for me.
At the end of all of this, exhausted and disheartened I lounged on a friend's couch and whined, "I just feel like I've failed."
"Well," she responded, "You haven't really tried."
And she's right. I wanted to be a writer but what have I written? So I'm gonna write. I hope people read it but even if they don't, at least I'll have done something.
And you know what? As terrifying and stressful as the past year and a half has been, it's been a hell of a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a native New Yorker and found your blog through a super hip gal from Brooklyn. Apparently this is the best blog to hit the blogosphere and these blog posts are not only entertaining but you might be spewing out pure gold with each keystroke! I hear the writers/stars of Broad City read the blogs and rumor has it Tina Fey wants you on her writing team?! I don't know ! Sounds promising !
