Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bonjour Paris!

So I just wrote a lovely blog post all about my first day and a half, but because my website was entirely in French, I accidentally deleted it. 


Any way, suffice it to say that I am doing just peachy, aside from the fact that there is no internet in my apartment. Poor V, I really don't think she realized how desperately I needed it, hence her bewildered reaction when I almost cried. I didn't, thank God.

So I am writing this from Starbucks. God, I am the worst American in Paris ever. Don't worry friends, I'll find a nice neighborhood cafe to frequent as soon as I can. In fact, I am on my way there now, because this computer is almost out of charge, and there is no outlet in site. 

So my apartment is a closet (but a very cute closet) and the little boy and I are best friends already. He taught me how to say whale in French, which is balain. I think. Actually that's probably wrong...


  1. Miss you already! P.S. your blog is now in my bookmarks bar :)

  2. Merci!! And of course i miss you and everyone too!
